
Sabrina Lebrun, B.Sc, nurse


Sabrina obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Université de Montréal in 2022. She previously studied for two years at the Université de Moncton in the same field, for whom she proudly played, at this elite level, hockey goaltender. Since her graduation, she has worked a few months at the emergency of Anna-Laberge Hospital, however she now practices in the operating room as well as in the recovery room of this same hospital. She continues to acquire new competencies through continuous training essential in the practice of her profession, especially concerning the administration of intravenous and clinical monitoring.

Through her holistic approach, she believes in the importance of taking data in order to obtain a complete picture of the person’s state of health. Therefore, she offers services of blood sampling, which consists of performing blood tests prescribed by a doctor, sending them according to the conservation criteria to a laboratory for analysis and then extracting the valuable health indicators they contain.