What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a manual therapy approach that evaluates the limitations and movement interrelationships of different anatomical systems and structures, and of these structures in relation to each other. With the aim of reducing limitations and aiding healing and pain relief, the osteopath determines a manual intervention plan and carries out the intervention using various direct or indirect techniques at the neuro-musculo-skeletal, visceral, cranial and myofascial levels.
The osteopath assesses and intervenes dysfunctions, taking interrelationships into account. He emphasizes the use of manual contact for assessment and intervention, with palpation playing a predominant role. This approach implies a strong therapeutic alliance.
Who is osteopathy for?
- Pregnancy and post-partum care
- Children and adolescents (0 - 18 years)
- Adults
- Seniors
- Athletes
- Convalescence and rehabilitation services
Some of the services we offer
- Manual assessment and intervention for the neuro-musculo-skeletal, visceral, cranial and myofascial spheres (Migraine, Concussion, Back pain, Hands-on treatments) .
- Pre and post-surgical assessment and intervention
- Post-concussion and TBI multidisciplinary management
Ce qu'ils disent de nous...
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Axxeleration Physio+ is located in the heart of the city of Vaudreuil, just off Highway 40.