
Sébastien Lagrange Ph.D.

Director of high performance, Strength Coach & Founder

Since 2011, Sébastien has been the director and strength coach of Axxeleration performance center in Châteauguay. He has worked with hundreds of athletes ranging from the amateur ranks to the professionals. Sébastien has a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in kinesiology where his research published in the International Journal of Exercise Science ''Contrast Training Generates Post-Activation Potentiation and Improves Repeated Sprint Ability in Elite Ice Hockey Players'' proved the positive effects of doing a pre-game training 6 hours before the competition on skating speed in hockey players.

In 2021, he obtain his PhD in exercise physiology and biology where is research ''The optimal time window for complex training in order to increase repeated sprint ability in professional ice hockey players '' help him better apply is pre-game training to optimize sports performance for each athlete he works with.


Mobility course

Pay $25 per class

(Regular price $35)

from April 25th to May 30th 2024

Wednesday 10:45 – 11:45
Thursday 16:45 – 17:45

Mobilization, activation and control of movement from head to toe. Progression over 6 weeks. For all types of customer, especially you!