
Marie Michelle Rousseau pht.

Physiotherapist & Founder

Marie Michelle graduated with a Master's degree in Physical Therapy in 2014 from McGill University. Since then, she has used her expertise with a variety of people to help them move better and restore and optimize their performance in their sports or day-to-day activities.

​She has worked with sports medicine populations, athletes, post-operative orthopedic populations and many more. She is constantly learning and reading about the recent evidence-based recommendations to improve her practice. She is using manual therapy, myofascial therapy, exercise-based therapy and dry needling, and many more. She is always trying to personalize her approach to all her clients. She will find the best way to help you achieve your goal.


Mobility course

Pay $25 per class

(Regular price $35)

from April 25th to May 30th 2024

Wednesday 10:45 – 11:45
Thursday 16:45 – 17:45

Mobilization, activation and control of movement from head to toe. Progression over 6 weeks. For all types of customer, especially you!